Applications for Junior Bach Festival’s 2025 season are open! Apply now!
2025 Concerts will be in late March, Fridays through Sundays.
IMPORTANT: The final application deadline for both the written section and the audio section has been extended to January 10th, 2025.
Your JBF ID from last year will no longer be valid and you will need a new ID.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please submit all your audio files and applications by January 10, 2025. This is the final deadline!
Please apply to the same form as previously listed in our “How to Apply” section:
Application on one instrument:
Application for a second instrument:
Application for a third instrument:
Large Ensemble, Choir, or Orchestral Application:
Submit your written application and your audio by January 10th, 2025 to be considered.
Additional link for those who paid $80 but need to pay $5 since they are submitting the audio after December 15th, 2024:
Audio may be included simultaneously. We encourage you to submit if you have audio ready.
Link for payment on one instrument:
You may then return to your application at a later date to add the audio.
Please read all of the information in this “How to Apply” section and the AUDITION REQUIREMENTS before beginning your online application.
We are using Google Forms for registration. You do not need to create any account to apply.
If there are additional applicants from the same household, each applicant needs to submit their own application.
You will receive an emailed confirmation of your registration from Google Forms.
Once again, this year, we feel it necessary to ask students to submit audio recordings of their auditions for judges to evaluate. Your recording should not have any personal identifying sounds or audio.
This year, again, auditions will be virtual, USING ANONYMOUS AUDIO RECORDINGS without any identifying personal audio or sounds (such as the applicant’s name or a spoken introduction). For the sake of transparency and to ensure unbiased judging, the Festival does not accept audition submissions in a video format.
The audition fee for the 2024 Festival is $80 for one instrument, $70 for a second instrument, and $50 for a third instrument. There is a $5 additional fee for applicants submitting audio after the main deadline of December 15th, 2024. Audio submission after that remains open until January 10, 2025. No applicant will be turned away for a personal lack of funds.
IMPORTANT: Applicants registering for a second or third instrument must complete a second or third application. These are separate Forms for these on the website. There is also a separate Form for those auditioning as a large group, such as ensemble, choir or orchestra.
Please reach out to for any questions about these Forms.
As you are aware, your registration fee only covers a portion of the Junior Bach Festival’s total operating expenses. Thus, if you are in a position to help support the JBF, the association and its community will all benefit from your generosity.
You may start and stop the registration process at any time, and your registration will be saved for 29 days. You will need to revisit it after 29 days and retype your name to save it for an additional 29 days, but once you press “Submit” your registration will be final. Be sure all the information you have provided is correct before you “Submit.”
Junior Bach Festival Judges’ Evaluations
Three professional judges will evaluate, grade, and provide written comments for each audition. Concert invitations or regrets will be sent by email to students around the first week of February. The Judges’ comments will be sent to teachers, who may, in turn, share them with their students.
Junior Bach Festival Concerts
The Festival is monitoring the COVID situation closely. As conditions allow, we will produce in-person performances in venues throughout the Bay Area on the Fridays and weekends of March 21-23 and March 28-30, 2025. We also plan to assemble “virtual” concerts at approximately the same time as the live concert series, around the time of J. S. Bach’s birthday, March 21. These will be assembled using videos (which may be re-recorded or reformatted from the audition recordings). They will be streamed via YouTube at pre-announced times. Performers who reside outside of the Bay Area or those who prefer to play in a virtual concert may of course exercise that option.
All performers will be given certificates in recognition of their contribution to the Junior Bach Festival.
Before registering, please read the section, AUDITION REQUIREMENTS.
Ready to apply?
Application on one instrument:
Application for a second instrument:
Application for a third instrument:
Large Ensemble, Choir, or Orchestral Application:
All written applications and all audio must be submitted by January 10th, 2025.
Additional link for those who paid $80 but need to pay $5 since they are submitting the audio after December 15th, 2024:
Link for payment on one instrument: