We now have most of the Junior Bach Festival concerts from 1999 to 2024 (almost 250 programs) stored on YouTube, available for anyone to retrieve and enjoy.
Thirteen concerts from Festival 2024 have been newly added!
We also know that many people will have specific objectives in searching this resource, and you have 3 database lists to choose from to help you narrow your choice.
One option, available below, is an alphabetic listing, by performers’ names.
Perhaps you yourself, a friend, or a student once played. By finding the name, you can then go to the concert video by entering a simple instruction in a Google window. A simple phrase is suggested in the “How To Find” column. Each program will be an entire concert, but at the bottom of the screen will always be a “timeline” on which you can use your computer mouse to move to any part of the concert you wish. Be sure to click “SHOW MORE” to see the entire program. Between this and your mouse, you should be able to locate any part of the program very quickly depending, in part, on how familiar you are with Bach’s music and the performers involved. Of course, you can also enjoy the entire program – just like the original concert. If you want to refer someone else to one of your works, you can give the exact time in minutes and seconds where it can be located on the timeline.
Another option is to choose a listing sorted by BWV number.
In this way, you can choose from all the performances of any piece. If you are preparing for an audition, it may be valuable to see how others have interpreted your work. The BWV numbers also categorize pieces into logical groups, enabling you to become more familiar with all varieties of Inventions, Toccatas, Suites, Sonatas, Concertos, Cantatas, Sinfonias, Preludes, Fugues, Fantasies, etc.
The third option enables you to choose any concert from a sequential list.
You can also easily find any video on Google, by entering a combination of search criteria such as YouTube + Junior Bach + Year + Concert Number.
The lists do have limitations. For every performance, only the FIRST performer is listed. Also, while the main title of each piece is given, specific movements played are not indicated. However, all of this information is given when you view the program under the “SHOW MORE” heading. You can refine your searches even more – looking for specific movements or instruments, for example, by entering a little more information in the Google search box.